Friday 29 April 2016

Quiz for Lessons 416 - 420 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Hyphens

Instructions: Supply hyphens where they are needed in these sentences.

1. I need to get rid of my self denial if I am to recover.

2. Is that glass two thirds full?

3. I think that age forty five is rather late to start a family.

4. Our ex captain came to visit our football team.

5. Much anti United States sentiment seems to exist all over the world.

6. Long discussions continued on the mid Atlantic items.

7. His fault was that he was a self made man who loved his creator.

8. I hope to get in the ninety fifth percentile.

9. The one third minority objected to the ruling.

10. Many are worried about our vice president's health.

--For answers scroll down.


1. I need to get rid of my self-denial if I am to recover.

2. Is that glass two-thirds full?

3. I think that age forty-five is rather late to start a family.

4. Our ex-captain came to visit our football team.

5. Much anti-United States sentiment seems to exist all over the world.

6. Long discussions continued on the mid-Atlantic items.

7. His fault was that he was a self-made man who loved his creator.

8. I hope to get in the ninety-fifth percentile.

9. The one-third minority objected to the ruling.

10. Many are worried about our vice-president's health.

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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