Sunday 1 May 2016

Lesson 421 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Hyphens

Use a hyphen in compounds made up of two or more words used as an adjective before a noun. This includes coined phrases. Do not use a hyphen when one of the words is an adverb ending in -ly. These compounds will add vividness to your writing, but one should not use too many. Example: I received a last-minute call.

Instructions: Supply hyphens where they are needed in these sentences.

1. The little lost girl had that I'm going to cry again look on her face.

2. Spies must have the I like danger attitude to be successful.

3. We found many interesting things in a forty year old trunk.

4. He gave an I dare you to touch me sneer to the others.

5. Did you read that hair raising story last night?

--For answers scroll down.


1. The little lost girl had that I'm-going-to-cry-again look on her face.

2. Spies must have the I-like-danger attitude to be successful.

3. We found many interesting things in a forty-year-old trunk.

4. He gave an I-dare-you-to-touch-me sneer to the others.

5. Did you read that hair-raising story last night?

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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