Wednesday 23 December 2015

Lesson 329 - Mechanics - Capitalization Review

Instructions: Capitalize each word that needs a capital letter.

1. The train santa fe express will arrive at 1:35 p.m., but the plane will arrive at 11:25 a.m.

2. julius caesar, the roman general, was born about 100 b.c.

3. have you read the poem "the road not taken" or the book a farewell to arms?

4. The first five books of the old testament are known as the pentateuch.

5. my mother uses liberty gold pineapple in several dishes.

--For answers scroll down.


1. Santa Fe Express/P.M./A.M.

2. Julius Caesar/Roman/B.C.

3. Have/"The Road Not Taken"/A Farewell to Arms

4. Old Testament/Pentateuch

5. My/Liberty Gold

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