Thursday 25 August 2016

Lesson 5 - Parts of Speech - Verbs

Some of the helping verbs can be used alone as the main verb. Is, am, are, was, and were can be used alone as linking or state of being verbs. Has, have, had, do, does, and did always show action when used alone. Be, being, and been can be used with other verbs either to show action or state of being. The other helping verbs cannot be used alone but only as helping verbs.

Instructions: Find the verb or verb phrases in these sentences.

1. She has too many friends.

2. You do beautiful work.

3. I was in Canada last week.

4. You are being very stubborn.

--For answers scroll down.


1. has

2. do

3. was

4. are being

Has and do are action verbs, and was and are being are state of being verbs.

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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