Wednesday 9 March 2016

Lesson 384 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Semicolons

Use a semicolon to separate phrases or clauses of equal rank which contain commas. The semicolon in such sentences brings clarity of meaning. Example: We have lived in Logan, Utah; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Rio Claro, Brazil.

Instructions: Place semicolons where they are needed in the following sentences.

1. The new in-laws are Jay, Pam's husband, Are', Will's wife, and Mark, Terri's husband.

2. For the campout we took our raincoats, boots, and tarp, but we didn't use them.

3. The mayor of the city, who attended the conference, gave a report, and he suggested several ways to save money.

4. My son is a medical technician, my daughter, a postal worker, and my wife, an editor.

5. The class officers are Fred Ogden, president, Dan Royal, vice-president, and Jayne Allen, secretary.

--For answers scroll down.


1. The new in-laws are Jay, Pam's husband; Are', Will's wife; and Mark, Terri's husband.

2. For the campout we took our raincoats, boots, and tarp; but we didn't use them.

3. The mayor of the city, who attended the conference, gave a report; and he suggested several ways to save money.

4. My son is a medical technician; my daughter, a postal worker; and my wife, an editor.

5. The class officers are Fred Ogden, president; Dan Royal, vice-president; and Jayne Allen, secretary.

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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