Friday 12 February 2016

Quiz for Lessons 361 - 365 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Commas

Instructions: Place commas where they are needed.

1. Within the business was in turmoil.

2. Matthew is going to law school; John to the Air Force.

3. To Jim Ryan is a hero.

4. I like Halloween; Mother Thanksgiving; Barbara Christmas.

5. The antique which avoided being broken for many years was given to my grandmother by George Washington.

6. An apple not an orange keeps the doctor away.

7. We are still going on the hike aren't we?

8. The letter sent through the mail changed the course of the war.

9. You really like her don't you!

10. A person's personality not his looks really is important in a husband.

--For answers scroll down.


1. Within, the business was in turmoil.

2. Matthew is going to law school; John, to the Air Force.

3. To Jim, Ryan is a hero.

4. I like Halloween; Mother, Thanksgiving; Barbara, Christmas.

5. The antique, which avoided being broken for many years, was given to my grandmother by George Washington.

6. An apple, not an orange, keeps the doctor away.

7. We are still going on the hike, aren't we?

8. The letter, sent through the mail, changed the course of the war.

9. You really like her, don't you!

10. A person's personality, not his looks, really is important in a husband.

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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