Wednesday 30 December 2015

Lesson 334 - Mechanics - End Punctuation

Use an exclamation point to end an exclamatory sentence or any strong exclamation. (A strong exclamation is called an interjection.) Many exclamations begin with how or what.

Instructions: Put the needed punctuation in each of these sentences.

1. What a game that was

2. Wow Our team won in the last minute

3. How lovely your Christmas decorations are

4. Oh I need to hurry

5. What I did exactly what you asked

--For answers scroll down.


1. What a game that was!

2. Wow! Our team won in the last minute!

3. How lovely your Christmas decorations are!

4. Oh! I need to hurry!

5. What! I did exactly what you asked.

(Any sentence can have an exclamation point if you want to say it in that way.)

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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